When installing a solar hot water system, you’re eligible for two types of rebates.
- STC’s (Small-scale Technology Certificates)Your new solar water heater or heat pump is eligible for this type of rebate if it is listed in the Register of Solar Water Heaters.You may claim a set number of STC‘s (Small-scale Technology Certificates). This number is based on the amount of electricity in megawatt hours (MWh) displaced by your solar water heater or heat pump over the course of it lifetime up to ten years. Where one MWh equals one STC.The amount of cash you will receive will depend on a number of varying factors. These include:
- Where you live in Australia.
- The efficiency of your Solar Hot Water System.
- What kind of system is being installed.
- The current price of STC‘s on the market.
You can expect to receive approximately $300 – $1000 for your STC‘s taking in to account the factors above.
- State Rebate
South Australia The government of South Australia are offering up to $500 rebate. Only if you hold a Centrelink Health Care Card, are a pensioner, war widow, or a disabled war veteran.
Western Australia The government of Western Australia provide rebates of $500 or $700 to households that install environmentally friendly, gas-boosted solar water heaters.
$500 for natural gas-boosted solar water heaters. $700 for LP gas-boosted heaters without a reticulated (mains) gas supply.New South Wales No rebates available as of June 30 2011.
Victoria The government in Victoria offer rebates of between $300 – $1500 for Metropolitan Melbourne, and $400 – $1600 for Regional Victoria. They vary depending on their size (amount of water produced), and also their performance (solar contribution), as well as relative cost of installation.
Northern Territory No rebates available
Queensland The government in Queensland announced that systems purchased after 22 June 2012, there are no rebates available.
ACT No rebates available.
TAS No rebates available.